Francesco armato
Born in Marsala, resident in Sesto, Firenze, and domiciled in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Architetto Designer - PhD, Prof. and President/Coordinator of the Degree Course in Design L-04, PAU Department, Mediterranean University, Reggio Calabria, Italy.

• National Scientific Habilitation - Full Professor 08/C1 - 17 December 2023

• National Scientific Habilitation - Associate Professor 08/C1 - 19 October 2020


1991-2022 (30 October 2022)— Freelancer, Designer - Art Curator - Art Director (Italian and foreign companies).

The professional activity is aimed at the design of industrial products and small-scale physical space, with particular attention to social and environmental aspects. The studies put “Human-Centered Design” in the foreground.

In 1993, research into new eco-sustainable materials led him to design the Chicca lamp, the first lamp in the world made of heterogeneous recycled plastic, coming from solid urban waste.

  • 2018 2022— President of the FRIDA Research Institute, Suzhou, China (FRIDA Research Institute founded with the collaboration of the DIDA Department, University of Florence and the Suzhou Educational Investment C.O - (MoU of 06 September 2018);
  • 2018 2022— Responsible for relations and coordination of the Laboratory, “Design of relational spaces”, DIDA Department, University of Florence;
  • 2016-2022- Member of the Organizing Committee, Master Interior Design 1st level, Industrial Design Course, DIDA, School of Architecture, University of Florence;
  • From June 2018-to June 2020- Assignment, Letter of Appointment Gold, 2018-2020, to actively participate in research (Product Design and Interior Design) and international academic relations for the Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute, Suzhou, China, scientific director Zhou Cao;

• 2014-2017- Tutor al Master Interior Design, Dipartimento DIDA, University of Florence;


  • 2022-2023- Professor (Universal Design) Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Italy - PAU- Department Heritage Architecture Urbanism

• 2023-2024- Professor (Concept Design - Product Design - Universal Design) Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Italy - PAU- Department Heritage 28Architecture Urbanism;

• 2004-2023- Professor on Contract (Product and Interior Design) University of Florence - DIDA - Department Of Architecture;2014-2023- Professor on Contract - Master Interior Design University Of Florence - DIDA - Department Of Architecture

• From 2016 to today- Visiting Professor: Jiangsu College of Technology Engineering University of Nantong, China - Suzhou Art and Design Technology Institute, China - Architecture of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan - College of Fashion and Design, Donghuan University, Shanghai, China - Suzhou Global Institute of Software Technology University, Suzhou, China;

2010-2022 (30 October 2022)

Professor on Contract (Product - Interior Design) - Member of the Academic Council - Coordinator of the Design Department (foreign students) - Scientific Director of the Seminars and Workshops in China.

LABA (AFAM) Free Academy of Fine Arts, Florence;


• 2022- Principal Investigator- PRIN competition 2022 PNRR - PI Francesco Armato Mediterranean University Reggio Calabria - Giampiero Alfarano University of Florence - Jurji Filieri University Tuscia - Topic: ECO-CURETE: ECO-Connections for Urban Environment and Territories; 

• 2021-2022 Participation - COLUX: in CO-design platform with the use of MixedReality for the LUXury interiors sector, as part of Strategic Research and Development Projects of MSMEs in the Tuscany Region, on behalf of the DIDA - Department of Architecture, University of Florence - scientific manager: Prof. Giuseppe Lotti;

• 2017-2020- Member of the research group: Desk and Field analysis, Benchmark of the reference sector and similar sectors, definition of the user, support for the definition of the project concept. Project Title: SMAG SMART Garden within the scope of POR FESR 2014-2020, Tuscany Region, Notice 2: Strategic research and development projects for MSMEs. University of Florence, DIDA Department, scientific director: Prof. Giuseppe Lotti;

2016-2019- Participation in the research group, Tuscany Region, POR FESR project 2014- 2020, Notice 2: Research and Development Projects for SMEs phase 2, DOMO4MAB: ITC and home automation for new housing models 2016 - Scientific director, prof. Giuseppe Lotti;

Research projects and workshops

From 04 September to 09 September 2023 Organizer and teacher, for research work, workshop “Design for A Better World”, with Giuseppe Lotti – Leading Universities, University of Florence and Mediterranean University of Reggio with the participation of Sapienza University of Rome, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, University of Palermo Studies - Genna Room, Monumental Complex of San Pietro, Marsala (TP) Italy;

From 11 September to 17 September 20232 Organizer and teacher for the research work, “Design for A Better World” workshop, with profs. Giuseppe Lotti and Marco Marseglia - University of Florence (DIDA Department) and with the participation of Sapienza University of Rome, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Palermo. Location: Pantelleria Island (TP) Italy;

From 2020 to today- Member of the “G-DEC-Design, Education and Culture” research group. The research area is “Design, Culture and Territory”. Ministério da Ciéencia, Tecnologia e Inovacòes”. UFSM institution, Pesquisa National certification. Sao Paulo, Brazil;

From 13 June to 18 May 2017- Coordinator together with prof. V. Legnante and S. Follesa and Tutor: research exercise, "Interior Design spaces la Torretta" workshop, final assessment of the students of the Master Interior Design 2017, interior design exercise of the School of Psychology headquarters complex, University of Florence. With prof. V. Legnante, prof. Giuseppe Lotti, Dr. S. Follesa.;

From 18 November 2010 to 18 May 2011-Research activity, project, "Qualification of the product system", Le Bocchette consortium, Viareggio Lucca (Italy), as part of the qualified services program of the Tuscany region. Scientific managers, V. Legnante and G. Lotti. Industrial Design Course, University of Architecture, DIDA Department, University of Florence;

International Research Group - Suzhou China

From 12 November 2015 to 15 December 2019- Organization and coordinator of the research and project: "Two Fully Electric Cars", for the company Hung Yahui (Suzhou) Cultural Development CO. Ltd, China, team: Prof. Massimo Grande - Designer Fang Rong;

From 01June 2014 to 31- December 2014 - Organizer and coordinator of the research project, "The product between East and West". Research project on Product Design, two cultures compared. The research developed in the AOTO study, in Suzhou, China, with students from the DIDA Department of the University of Florence and LABA (AFAM) participating;

From 7 April 2014 to 30 July 2016- Research project coordinator, R-Life Zhongfan Material, Suzhou, China. Research, design, and production of products in WPC, Wood Plastic Composite. Collaborators: designer Fang Rong, graphic designer: Lucetta Petrini, Maria Camardo.

International assignments to activate research with the School of Architecture - DIDA Depatment - University of Florence

• 2018-2020 -Appointed to organize a research program (Visiting Professor), Letter of Appointment Gold, 2018-2020, to actively participate in research (Product Design and Interior Design) and in international academic relations for the Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute, Suzhou, China, scientific director Zhou Cao;

2019-2021 Collaborates to activate research and teaching paths between Nantong University and the DIDA Department, University of Florence. Collaboration program in the sectors: Product Design and Interior Design, (MOU, 17 – 04 – 2019, University of Nantong Dr. President Zhang Wei, University of Florence Dr. President Prof Saverio Mecca);

Research assignments with comparative evaluation procedure School of Architecture - DIDA - University of Florence

From 8 March 2021 to 28 February 2022-  Research, study, and analysis assignment, "The tailor-made product of the spaces dedicated to meetings, as part of the activities of the 1st Level Master in Interior Design". Scientific coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Lotti, DIDA Department, University of Florence;

From 20 July to 27 November 2020- Research assignment for the "collaboration for the carrying out of analysis and screening activities - the post-Covid-19 urban space urodel. New ways of social aggregation of public urban micro-open spaces". Scientific coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Lotti, DIDA Department, University of Florence;

From 25 March to 24 September 2019- Research assignment to "elaborate texts, select images and take care of the graphics for the publication of a volume/index on the first five years of activity of the 1st level Master in "Interior Design", Scientific coordinator Prof. Vincenzo Legnante, DIDA Department, University of Florence, SSD ICAR/13 from 25 March 2019 to 24 September 2019;


• Scientific manager and coordinator of research and project: "Two Fully Electric Cars", for the company Hung Yahui (Suzhou) Cultural Development CO. Ltd, China, team: Prof. Car designer Massimo Grande - Fang Rong - from 12 November 2015 to 19 December 2019;
• Art Director and production manager for development and innovation, ISSI, China, design and production of furnishing accessories products with Made in Italy know-how for the ISSI company, China. Company ownership Mr. Ding Xian Wen is responsible for the designer brand Fang Ron. SSD ICAR/13 from 06 October 2014 to 30 November 2016;

• Art Director and production consultant for development and innovation, Aotu, Suzhou, China, a pilot project for the design and production of furnishing accessories products with made-in-Italy know-how for the AOTU company, Industrial Design Co, Suzhou, China. of the company Mr. Li Luo Properties.From 01 June 2014 to 31 December 2016;

•Responsible, artistic director for the development of new products in WPS, (natural wood fibers - polymers, and additives) and communication of the R-LIFE Company, Shanghai, China. With F. Rong. From 15-05-2012 to 30 April 2015;


8) Monograph - Armato F. Follesa S. (2023). “From Spaces To Places- Product#People°City”, Florence, DidaPress, Architecture Department, University of Florence, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 1 -157.

7) Armato F. Follesa S. (Edited by), 2020. “Design degli Interni, spazi di relazione” Florence, DidaPress, Architecture Department, University of Florence, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 1 -157.

6) Armato F. Follesa S. (Edited by), 2020. "L’abitare Sospeso”,Milano, Franco Angeli,Italy ISBN: 978-88-3511-571-7 - pp. 1 -351.

5) Monograph - Armato F. (2019). “In/Out Interior Design, esercizio di progetto”, Florence, DidaPress, Architecture Department, University of Florence, Italy ISBN: 978-88-3338-073-5 - pp. 1 -188.

4) Monograph - Armato F. (2018). “ALBUM disegni e progetti, (My World/My Work)”, Florence , FA Publisher Florence,Italy, ISBN: 979-12-200-355 - pp. 1-134.

3) Monograph - Armato F. (2017). “Pocket park, una stanza a cielo aperto”. Palermo, Navarra Publisher, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-940800-8-7 - pp. 1-160.

2) Armato F. (Edited by) 2016. “Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni”. Palermo, Navarra Publisher, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0 - pp. 1 – 163.

1) Monograph Armato F. (2007). “Ascoltare i Luoghi”. vol. Florence, Alinea Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-6055-117-7 - 1, pp. 1-119.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS - Papers - International Journals

54) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2022). “Design, Territori condivisi”, AND, Design and Research N° 42. ISSN 1723-9990 , ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 110-119, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

53) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. e Fontefrancesco M. F. (2022). Editorial, in Narrare I Gruppi - “La città contemporanea nella perdita, nella mancanza, nell’attesa, e nella ricostruzione”,magazine volume 17 n° 1, 2022, ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 7-14, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

52) Article in scientific journal- Armato F., Follesa S. (2022). “Design e mutazioni sociali“, in Narrare I Gruppi- magazine volume 17 n° 1, 2022, ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 15-26, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

51) Article in scientific journal - Armato F, Follesa S. (2022). “L’abitare utopico- in cerca di nuove utopie“, in Narrare I Gruppi - magazine volume 17 n° 1, 2022, ISSN 2281-8960 - pp.27-38, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

50) Article in scientific journal - Armato F., Follesa S., Cesaretti S., Peian Y. (2022). “Borders and Bridges – Boundaries as an Opportunity” Journal Of - Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics. ISSN: 1690-4524 - pp. 240-248, Peer Review Process.

49) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2022). “ Prevenire, drenare e riutilizzare è meglio che inquinare e dilavare - (ricerche e progetti per cambiare rotta in materia di tutela delle risorse idriche)”, Design Sostenibile. Il Giornale dell'Architettura, ISSN: 2284-1369 - pp. 1-3, Peer Review Process.

48) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. e Petrini L. (2021). “ Design per una città sostenibile”, Città in Controluce, ISBN 978-88-7503-249-4 - ISSN: 2388 4053 - pp. 45-56, Peer Review Process.

47) Article in scientific journal- Armato F., Follesa S. e Cesaretti S (4/2021). “Confini immaginari”, QuAD, Quaderni di Architettura e Design , ISSN: 2611-4437, ISBN: 978-88-5491-227-4 - pp. 205-218, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

46) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2021). “ Siamo ancora all’usa e getta?”, Design Sostenibile. Il Giornale dell'Architettura, ISSN: 2284-1369 - pp. 1-3, Peer Review Process.

45) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. Follesa S (2021). “Social Balances in the Design Space“, in Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, David Publishing Company- Magazine volume 15 n° 03 March 2021, 1934-7359 (Print); 1934-7367 (Online) - pp. 167-173, Double Blind Peer Review Process. 

44) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2021). “Il design e l’ospite ostile“. In Narrare I Gruppi - 2 May 2021, ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 1-5, Double Blind Peer Review Process,

43) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. Follesa S. e Cesaretti C. (2021). Iessus of form, - In ICSIT 2021, The 12th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies, ISBN 978-1950492-52-7— pp. 143 -147, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

42) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2020). Design, Indagare gli spazi misurabili, in AND Design and Research N° 38. ISSN 1723-9990 - pp. 38 - 49

41) Contributo in volume - Armato F. (2020). Lo spazio elastico, In Armato F. Follesa S. (A cura di). L’abitare Sospeso, Milano, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-3511-571-7 - pp. 50-63, Peer Review Process.

40) Contribution in book - Armato F. (2020). Una leggera trasposizione. In Armato F. Follesa S. (A cura di) In Design degli Interni, spazi di relazione, Firenze, DidaPress, DIDA Department, University of Florence, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 27-34, Peer Review Process.

39) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2020). Segni nello spazio dell’abitare. In Armato F. Follesa S. (Edited by). Design degli Interni, spazi di relazione. Firenze, DidaPress, DIDA Department, University of Florence, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 141-147, Peer Review Process.

38) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2020). Sentirsi a casa. In Armato F. Follesa S. (Edited by). Design degli Interni, spazi di relazione. Florence, DidaPress, DIDA Department, University of Florence, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 101-106, Peer Review Process.

37) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2020). L’arte della progettazione degli interni,. In Armato F. Follesa S. (Edited by). Design degli Interni, spazi di relazione. Firenze, DidaPress, DIDA Depatment, University of Florence, ISBN: 978-88-3338-128-2 - pp. 11 -14, Peer Review Process.

36) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. Cesaretti S. e Petrini L(2020). Margine tra arte e Design, in GUD Design - N° 1 Passaggi Transitions. ISSN 1720075X— pp. 85-90, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

35) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. con Follesa S. Cesaretti. S (2020). Individualità cromatica, in Colore e colorimetria, contributi multidisciplinari- Vol XVI A, Edited by Veronica Marchiafava e Marcello Piccolo -, ISBN 978-88-99513-12-2— pp. 284-291, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

34) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2020). Editoriale, in Narrare I Gruppi - magazine volume n° 15 1 lJuly 2020, Design: benessere nella città. ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 8-12, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

33) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2020). Gli spazi della gente in città, in Narrare I Gruppi - magazine volume 15 n° 1 July 2020, Design: benessere nella città. pp. 29-47, ISSN 2281-8960 - pp. 29-47, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

32) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2019). Parklets Network Spaces, in MDA - 3rd International Conference on Environmental design, magazine volume N°. 3 International Conference on Environmental Design. ISBN 978-88-5509-060-5 - pp. 377-384, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

31) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. Follesa F. (2019). Il linguaggio delle cose, in MD Journal, negazione volume MD Journal 7. ISSN 2531-9477 - pp. 58-69, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

30) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2019). Design Co-Temporaneo, in AND Design and Research N° 35. ISSN 1723-9990 - pp. 14-19, Peer Review Process.

29) Contribution to conference proceedings - Armato F. (2019). Parklet space for all, in Architettura e natura, VII convegno diffuso San Venanzo. - pp.1-6 Article selected by CORE (documenti di ricerca internazionale), Peer Review Process.

28) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. – Petrini L. (2019). Welfare in the city, Urban Furniture, Zhuangshi, Shanghai, China, ISSN 0412-3662 - pp. 17-19 Peer Review Process.

27) Article in scientific journal - Armato F. (2018). Design Out Door fra Street Art e Pocket Park, LUK foundation studies and activities Ragghianti, Lucca ISSN: 1824-1875 - p. 133-140, Peer Review Process.

26) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2018). 00. Oriente e Occidente. Nuova identità di un prodotto: Made in China , Know-How Italiano (Graduation Tutor). In Disegno Industriale, Design, Design Sistema Moda. DIDA, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Firenze ISBN: 978-88-3338-044-5 - p. 86-239, Peer Review Process.

25) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2018). Spazio Urbano: quelle stanze a cielo aperto che “rosicchiano” l’asfalto. Il Giornale dell’Architettura. ISSN: 2284-1369 p. 1-3, Peer Review Process.

24) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2017). Thinking in Italy and made in China. Il Giornale dell’Architettura. ISSN: 2284-1369 - pp. 1-3, Peer Review Process.

23) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2017). Pocket Park, spazi tra gli edifici. In: Lotti G Tosi F. (Edited by). La ricerca di design nelle tesi di dottorato dell'Università di Firenze. Laboratorio di Comunicazione DIDA | Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi di Firenze, ISBN: 978-88-9608-091-7 - p. 73-102, c Peer Review Process.

22) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2017). Pocket Park, product urban design. In The Design Journal, An International Juornal For All Aspects of Design, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN 1460-6925 (print) 1756-3062 - pp. S1869-S1878, Double Blind Peer Review Process.

21) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2017). Le cose che ci accompagnano. In, Lotti G. Giorgi D. Edited by). Le cose degli altri. Laboratorio di Comunicazione DIDA | Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi di Firenze, ISBN: 978-88-9608-074-0 - pp. 89-91, Peer Review Process.

20) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2017). 100 Pocket Park per Londra. Il Giornale dell’Architettura. ISSN: 2284-1369 - p. 1-3, Peer Review Process.

19) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2017). Interior design, didattica, tra conoscenza e ricerca. In: Suzhou Gongyi Meishu Zhiye Jishu Xueyuan Xuebao, China, ISSN: 1672-32848 -pp. 21-29, Peer Review Process.

18) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2016). Pocket Park, un prodotto per la città. Ambiente Società Territorio - AIIG. ISSN: 1824-114X - pp. 20-25, Peer Review Process.

17) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). Abitare gli spazi singolari. In: Stefano Follesa. Sull'Abitare. Milano, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-917-4774-7 -p. 144-151, Peer Review Process.

16) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). Design, innovazione quotidiane per la città. In Armato F Edited by). Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni. p. 5459, Palermo, Navarra Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0- Peer Review Process.

15) Contribution in Book - Armato Francesco (2016). Abitare in più lughi, online/ofline. In: Stefano Follesa. Sull'Abitare. Milano, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-9174774-7 - p. 72-73, Peer Review Process.

14) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). La forma si adatta alla materia. In: Jurji Filieri. La materia in-forma. Milano, Delfino Edition, ISBN: 978-88-97323-64-8 - pp. 85-91, Peer Review Process.

13) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). Welfare urbano, progetto di design in città. In, Armato F. (Edited by). Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni.Palermo, Navarra Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0 - pp. 4853, Peer Review Process.

12) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). Momenti di vita incontri imprevisti. In Armato F. (Edited by) Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni. Palermo, Navarra Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0 - pp. 8-11, Peer Review Process.

11) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2016). Pocket Park, lo spazio della gente. In, Armato F. (Edited by). Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni. Palermo, Navarra Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0 - pp. 24-39, Peer Review Process.

10) Contribution in Book - Armato Francesco (2016). Il design dello spazio residuale. In, Armato F. (Edited by). Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni. Palermo, Navarra Publisher, ISBN: 978-88-940800-7-0 - pp. 40-47,Peer Review Process.

9) Contribution in Book- Armato F. (2016). Abitare l'intervallo. In, Follesa F. (Edited by). Sull’Abitare. Milano, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-917-4774-7 - p. 152-159, Peer Review Process.

8) Contribution in Book - Armato F. (2015). La ceramica nello spazio outdoor. In, Follesa S. (Edited by). Il design della ceramica, storie di terre e di progetti. Livorno, Polistampa, ISBN: 978-88-59614-66-1 - pp. 162-165, Peer Review Process.

7) Ph.D Degree - Armato F. (2013). Pocket Park, spazi tra gli edifici. TAeD, Architecture Technology and Design Pierluigi Spadolini, University of Florence -, pp. 1-269. Tutor Prof. Vincenzo Alessandro Legnante, Co-Tutor Prof. Giuseppe Lotti.

6) Article scientific journal-online - Armato F. (2013). Piccolo spazio tra gli edifici. In: Mall, Fabrizio Bottini,

5) Article scientific journal-online -Armato F. (2013). L'utilità dello spazio urbano minuto. In: Professione Architetti, Study and Research Center Foundation, Florence, Italy.

4) Contribution in Book - Armato (2011). “La fisicità come strumento di percezione dei luoghi”. In, Luisa Germanà M (a cura di). Permanenze e innovazioni nell'architettura del mediterraneo. Florence, Florence University Press, ISBN: 978-88-6655-003-7 - p. 387-388, Peer Review Process.

3) collaboration in the drafting of the scientific article- Galli P. (2004). Parentele fra le cose, il corpo e il pensiero, University of Florence Edition, Department of Architectural Design, Peer Review Process..

2) Ccollaboration in the drafting of the scientific article - Galli P. (2003). Materiali per un’idea. University of Florence Edition, Department of Architectural Design, Peer Review Process.

1) Article scientific journal - Armato F. (2001). A spasso nello spazio. Report Casa e Natura. Florence, Angelo Pontecorboli Edition - pp. 19-20


33) Monograph - Lauria A. Vessella L., 2021, Titolo: Small Forgotten Places in the Heart of Cities, in Florence University Press, Università degli Studi di Firenze- print ISBN: 978-88-5518-496-0. Mentioned in the contribution on p. 28 (Foto). Armato F. (2018), Pocket park, una stanza a cielo aperto (Book). Palermo, Navarra Publisher - 978-88-940800-8-7.

32) Scientific article in an international journal- Suci S., (2021), Permanfaatn Pocket Park Sebagai Infrastruktur Hijau di Permukiman Islami (Studi Kasus: Kampung Arab, Kota Malang), In Journal Pembangunan Wilayah Dan Kota, P-ISSN: 1858-3903 and E-ISSN 2597-9272. Mentioned in the contribution in Bibliografia. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

31) Scientific article in an international journal - Hamdy M. Plaku R., (2021), Pocket Parks: Urban Living Rooms for Urban Regeneration, In Civil Engineering and Architecture 9(3): 747-759 202, Doi 10.13189/cea 2021.090316— Online ISSN: 1880-3989. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

30) Scientific article in an international journal - Zhou C, Zhang Y., Fu L., Sue Y., Wang Z., 2021, Assessing mini-park installation priority for re-greening planing in densely populated cities, in Sustainable Cities and Society, support open access - volume 67— Online ISSN: 1880-3989. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

29) Scientific article in an international journal - Wu C., Li J., Wang C., Song C., (2021), Estimating the Cooling effect of Pocket Green Space in High Density Urban Areas I Shanghai, Cina, in Frontiers in Environmental Science - Online ISSN: 2238-8869. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

28) Scientific article in an international journal - Salih A., Ismall S., Sabil A. (2021),The Sustainable City: The Characteristic Public Urban Green Space for Enhancing Community Social Sustainability, in International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering technology 12(3):202-214 - Online ISSN: 2180-3242. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

27) Scientific article in an international journal - Tzortzi N., Lux M. S., Tsiatinis A, (2021), Greenway Network Proposal as Nature-Based Solution in Limassol, Cyprus, systematic reuse of residual areas inside the cultural heritage city centre N-AERUS 2021 -20 th international conference -4th February 2021 How to plan in a world of uncertainty?. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

26) Scientific article in an international journal - Mikhailov S., Mikhailova A., Nadyrshine N. Koshkin., Egorov D., (2021), Local Artistic Style Formation in Urban Environment Design, in E3S Web of Conference 274, 01002 (2021) STCCE-2021. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

25) Scientific article in an international journal - Suci Senjana, Nunik Junara, Elok Mutiara, (2021), Utilization of Pocket Park as agrume infrastrutture in islamic settlements, In Juornal Pembangunan Wilayah dan kota, ISSN 1858-3903 and ISBN 2597-9272. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1

24) Monograph- Bonfantini B., Fiorino I., (2021) Urban Interstices in Italy, sezione Green rooms , contributo Interstitial Gardens, Fiorino Imma - Siracusa, LetteraVentidue Edizione Srl, ISBN 978-88-6242-566-7. Mentioned in the contribution in bibliography. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

23) Scientific article in an international journal - Zhou C., FU L., Xue L., Wang Z., Zhang Y., (2021). Using multi-source data to understand the factors affecting mini-park visitation in Yancheng - Review - A review of the evidence. IN Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Sange Journals -. ISSN: 2158-2440 - Mentioned in the cintroduction in bibliography. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.

22) Scientific article in an international journal - Zhang H., Han M. (2021). “Pocket Parks in English and Chinese Literature”: Review - A review of the evidence. IN Urban Forestry & Urban Greening- Journal -. ISSN: 1618-8667- Mentioned in bibliography. Armato F. (2017), Pocket park: product urban design. The Design Journal – an International Journal for All Aspects of Design, ISBN 978-1-138-09023-1.